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New important research on Cannabis:
- THC effect for progressive multiple sclerosis (MS),
- latest data from EMCDDA on synthetic cannabis causing problems requiring clinical interventions and even fatalities,
- Marijuana withdrawal listed in US Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5.
This X-mas issue will announce ECAD Anniversary XXI Mayors` Conference, mark May 19-20, 2014 in your calenders. The city of Stockholm will host this conference together with us.
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VOLUME 2, No 135, December 2011 / January 2012
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In this issue:
Danish cannabis decriminalisation
Lancet Addiction Series, the first paper estimates how many people use illicit drugs worldwide
First European quality standards to improve drug prevention in the EU
and many other interesting articles!
VOLUME 1, No 134, September 2011
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In this issue:
an overview o fthe most interesting speeches from ECAD Mayors´ Conference in Varna;
latest study of the THC concentration in Dutch cannabis over the last 10 years
and many other interesting articles!
VOLUME 8, No 133, October 2010
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In this issue:
We guide you through the 17th ECAD Mayors' Conference Materials
VOLUME 7, No 132, September 2010
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In this issue:
Designing a better world: ECAD conference on self-groups in Jurmala
New plans for the British drug policy: "cold turkey" approach to expect?
Colombia: an honest reaction - the government was bave enough to address the growing drug abuse in the population in an open way
Don't be misinformed - very few teens use illicit drugs: a Norwegian survey
Young former criminals work at the police station: a Stockholm experience
& other articles!
VOLUME 6, No 131 July 2010
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In this issue:
Vienna Decration of AIDS Conference critisized:
Experts call new strategies on AIDS prevention ineffective
UNODC has a new leader:
Mr. Yury Fedotov already critisized by drug liberal forces
Russian national drug strategy issued in June:
Scrutinized by ECAD drug policy expert in Russia
Digital drugs:
I-dosing on digital drugs become an alarming trend.
Read more about these topics & other articles!
VOLUME 5, No 130 June 2010
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In this issue:
While looking at Oslo fjord: ECAD Advisory Board discussed economy and other issues in Oslo
Some reflections on the drug situation in Norway: Commissioner Anniken Hauglie talks about challenges she sees for the Norwegian drug policy
World drug report 2010: Drug use is shifting towards new drugs and new markets
The heroin trial failure: misleading media reports hide the fact that for a very costly intervention a surprisingly small minority got off street drugs
& other articles
VOLUME 4, No 129 May 2010
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In this issue:
II World Forum Against Drugs prizes UNODC Executive Director A.M. Costa twice
EU: advantages for citizens and businesses in justice and security matters
New five-year plan for collaboration between EU member countries on judicial matters and internal security.
USA: New National Strategy to reduce drug use and its consequences:
Balanced approach to boost community-based prevention, treatment, strenghten law enforcement and international cooperation
Positive results of Drug Treatment Courts in 12 countries:
According to the first-ever publication of results of Drug Treatment Courts from 12 countries outside the U.S., “Drug Treatment Courts contribute significantly to the rehabilitation of drug addicted offenders, the reduction in costs of incarceration and control of local crime.”
Read more about these topics & other articles!
VOLUME 3, No 128 April 2010
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In this issue:
Volcanic eruption & 17th ECAD Mayors' Conference: New date
UNODC 2010 Report: The report shows that, in an unstable world, the information and expertise provided by UNODC are in high demand; partnership with NGOs increases and broadens to include more areas within the UNODC mandat;
Economic benefits of investing in prevention: an American calculation
Sweden allows school to use random voluntary student drug testing: a long way to reach this decision
Khat causes acute water crisis in Yemen: The capital city San'a might need to be relocated...
& other articles!
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In this issue:
53rd Commission on Narcotic Drugs:
Consensus on primary prevention, arguments on palliative care and "neo-drug colonialism".
Gil Kerlikowske states that no legalisation of medical marijuana is on US drug policy agenda; new German drug commissioner Mechthild Dyckmans points out that the scientific validity of cannabis is now getting acknowledged;
Organised crime behind each coffee-shop in Holland:
The head of Dutch cannabis Task Force Max Daniel is willing to start a debate about those who make money out of organised crime. These are chartered accountants, banks, filter- and plant reservoir providers and even treasury. The underworld and the upper world has got interwoven in the Dutch society;
Scary Scottish statistics:
Each addict costs Scotland £60 000 a year and the cost of doling out methadone to addicts has topped £16 million, whereas heroin substitute is now used by 1 percent of the population... Read more about it
& other articles!
VOLUME 1, No 126 February 2010
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In this issue:
Solidarity - Way to Sustainable Political Decisions: ECAD Advisory Board met in Visé, a Belgium town in the close proximity of the coffee shops of Maastricht.
The Incredible President: Selection of publc statements made by the newly elected President of the EMCDDA reflects an erratic thought and a lack of reflection.
The Drug Situation in Norway: News in political regulations and situation on the illicit drug market.
Sudden deaths foil cocaine myth: 3% of all sudden deaths in Europe might be cocaine-related, a Spanish research says
& other articles!
VOLUME 10, No 125 December 2009
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In this issue:
Another thing Europe does not agree on:
A unified approach to medical marijuana is very political and disputed topic. ECAD: director is being very specific about the importance of evidence for taking up this kind of debate in Wall Street Journal;
Deadly legal and cheap:
Mephedrone or "meow meow" is sweeping all over the house parties in Britain. Already banned in Sweden, Norway and Finland, the popular drug is listed as a top priority by the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs to be decided on early in 2010;
Cannabis damages young brains more than originally thought:
Canadian study focused on the root of cannabis influence on depression and anxiety among teens. Do you know what happens in the brains of teenagers when they use cannabis? Read more about it
& other articles!
VOLUME 9, No 124 November 2009
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In this issue:
Portugal's decriminalisation: did it affect the drug situation?: The Economist writes about a "resounding success" of the new policy but the drug use increased after the policy was implemented. Let's look at the data!
2009 in the eyes of the EMCDDA: the European drug monitoring agency looks back at the drug-political 2009 and regrets...
ECAD seminar in cooperation with San Patrignano community: compulsory treatment unexpectedly efficient and scientific evaluation of San Patrignano's method
& other articles!
VOLUME 8, No 123 October 2009
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In this issue:
Malta welcomes ECAD Mayors to Gozo in April 2010:
Maltese government demonstrates willingness to cooperate and assist in organizing the conference on the island of Gozo
Effectiveness for community treatment for heroine and crack cocaine addiction in England:
Lancet presents the first effectiveness study of the main community interventions for the above addiction. Results impress American colleagues
Calls for Britain to license, regulate and tax illegal drug abuse:
Heroin available alongside cheap alcohol in local store? Sounds less like a solution to current problems and more like a social policy in search of a disaster! Read the statement of drug misuse research professor at the University of Glasgow Neil McKeganey
& other articles!
VOLUME 7, No 122 September 2009
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In this issue:
Summer thoughts & strategy highlights: ECAD Director looks back at his first year in charge of the organisation.
Sweden's first baseline study on blood borne infections among injecting drug users in Stockholm: The Swedish capital has never had a needle exchange; how is the situation with the blood borne infections, then? The Study gives an answer.
The Economic and Social Council of the UN: While the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs, CND, has meaningly omitted the term "harm reduction" in its Declaratrions, ECOSOC uses it.
& other articles!
VOLUME 6, No 121 July 2009
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In this issue:
New research on toxicology of cannabis: The findings include close connection of chronic cannabis use to psychiatric, respiratory, cardiovascular and bone effects. Physiological studies have shown that cannabis receptors are present on bones. Cannabinoids also have an important role in the regulation of bone density; blocking or modulating CB1 cannabinoid activity protects from bone loss.
G8 and Costa discussed drugs, terrorism and organized crime
Briefing paper on Spice by EMCDDA: The EMCDDA survey established that Spice products are available on national websites in two-thirds of the European Union member states. Read more of this and other articles!
VOLUME 5, No 120 June 2009
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In this issue:
"Though love as a method of overcoming drug abuse in a family and in a country: Robert DuPont, former US "Drug czar", first director of NIDA, President of the Institute for Behavior and Health visited Sweden and talked at the Swedish National Conference and Fair "Sweden Against drugs": Abstinence goal vs. Harm Reduction goal, families' dilemmas and countries' choices.
ECAD in Latvia and Bulgaria: Director visited member cities to learn about their work.
Prescription drug abuse among adolescents : Research shows different patters of abuse among young people - understand it in order to address correctly.
& other articles!
VOLUME 4, No 119 May 2009
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World Anti-Drug Campaign launched:
UNODC is leading international campaign to raise awareness about the perils of drugs for our societies and for the young in particular. UNODC has also started issuing electronic newsletter.
New research by Drug Free Australia:
Cannabis effects cannot be trivialised. Latest research concerns everyone: cannabis is directly linked to suicides, schizophrenia, impacts on brain functions and can cause cancer.
UN works to devaluate opium in Afghanistan:
UN officials attempt to create a "flood of drugs" to destroy the value of opium. While the Iranians, fed up with the problems created by the country`s 1 million heroin addicts, have taken steps to build ditches and walls along the frontier, the Afghans lack even a fraction of those resources. Read more of this
and other articles!
VOLUME 3, No 118 April 2009
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In this issue:
Human being - in the centre of ECAD Policy: Director comments on the 5th European Conference on Clinical and Social Research on AIDS and Drugs
Choice of Göteborg non-random: Why this Swedish city was chosen to host the World Mayors' conference?
Teenagers and their parents: Preventive potential of parents as regards alcohol
& other articles!
VOLUME 2, No 117 March 2009
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High Level Segment Meeting on drug policy in Vienna:
UN restrictive policy on drugs is steady and countires have approved a joint Action Plan and Political Declaration to share the responsibility for solving drug problems.
Latest ESPAD study results:
Results of European School Survey on alcohol and other drugs show long-term improvement tendencies. There are indications of a halt in illicit drug use trend since only 18% of 15,8 year old students reported such experience during 2007.
Scotland`s drug and alcohol problem outlined:
Scottish drug and alcohol-related death rates are highest in Europe and have doubled during the last 15 years.
and other articles!
VOLUME 1, No 116 February 2009
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In this issue:
Second World Mayors' Conference and
16th ECAD Mayors' Conference:
This issue is a guide to the conference materials published under "Conference papers"
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VOLUME 10, No 115 December 2008 In this issue:
VOLUME 9, No 114 November 2008 In this issue: VOLUME 8, No 113 October 2008 In this issue:
In this issue: VOLUME 6, No 111 July 2008 In this issue: VOLUME 4-5, No 110 May-June 2008 In this issue: VOLUME 3, No 109 April 2008 In this issue: VOLUME 2, No 108 March 2008 In this issue: VOLUME 1, No 107 Februari 2008 In this issue: |
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VOLUME 10, No 106 December 2007 In this issue: VOLUME 9, No 105 November 2007 In this issue: VOLUME 8, No 104 October 2007 In this issue: VOLUME 7, No 103 September 2007 In this issue: VOLUME 6, No 102 July 2007 In this issue: VOLUME 5, No 101 June 2007 In this issue: VOLUME 4, No 100 May 2007 Click on the respective language to open up a PDF-file! ENGLISH, SWEDISH In this issue: VOLUME 3, No 99 April 2007 In this issue: VOLUME 2, No 98 March 2007 In this issue: VOLUME 1, No 97 Februari 2007 In this issue: |
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VOLUME 10, No 96 DECEMBER 2006 In this issue: VOLUME 9, No 95 NOVEMBER 2006 In this issue: VOLUME 8, No 94 OKTOBER 2006 ECAD IV Balkan Conference in Bourgas: 75 drug experts from 12 countries; Several Balkan cities evaluate the possibility to host the ECAD regional office VOLUME 7, No 93 SEPTEMBER 2006 The Canadian Minister of Health Visits ECAD: During his two-day stay in Sweden the Canadian delegation visited the National Drug Coordinator and ECAD
Volume 6, No 92In English Volume 6, No 92In Swedish Volume 6, No 92In Russian Volume 6, No 92In Latvian Volume 6, No 92In Lithuanian Volume 4-5, No 90-91In English Volume 4-5, No 90-91In Russian Volume 4-5, No 90-91In Latvian Volume 4-5, No 90-91In Lithuanian Volume 2-3, No 88-89In English Volume 2-3, No 88-89In Russian Volume 2-3, No 88-89In Latvian Volume 2-3, No 88-89In Lithuanian Volume 1 No 87In English Volume 1 No 87In Swedish Volume 1 No 87In Russian Volume 1 No 87In Latvian |