From left: Patrik Runensson, Staffanstorp, Marcus Häggström and
Mattias Benke, Söderhamn, Carina Dahl, Chairperson ECAD Sweden

ECAD continues working and networking!

In his August chronicle, ECAD Director looks back at his first year in charge of the organisation. You find it in the menu to the left.


On September 14-15, a productive and interesting conference on primary drug prevention among young people took place in Tallinn. The conference materials are available under “Conference papers”.


The ECAD Advisory Board met on September 25 in Malta which will host the ECAD 17th Mayors’ Conference in April 2010. The preparations for this highest ECAD event have thus started.


ECAD has took part in the World Congress on Addictions “Experiences based on evidence”

Which took place in Mexico City on September 23 – 25, 2009. We have expressed our full support to the Declaration launched at the Panel “International Networks: Call to Action”. In this Declaration, the representatives of a large number of international networks of civil society around the world “call to action to all the involved actors, the governments, the institutions, the massive media, the scientific community, the legislator and the civil society in general to mobilize political will in favour of prevention and the application of all the necessary resources to stop marihuana legalization”.


Click here to read the Declaration.            


The ECAD representatives participate in the St. Petersburg International Congress of Conflictologists on September 30 – October 12. ECAD through its Regional office in Russia has actively worked during the last 8 years to establish the concept of drug conflictoligy in Russia. Today, in co-operation with the St. Petersburg State University ECAD offers a Master Programme for drug co-ordinators. The drug conflictology approach serves as a scientific basis for this educational programme.


The ECAD Sweden network met in Staffanstorp-Helsingborg for its annual conference on September 23-25. The Irish city of Killarney contributed to strengthening relationships between Sweden and Ireland in regard to experience exchange and development of anti-drug fieldwork.

ECAD Sweden Network has an established tradition to mark the best anti-drug work conducted by a network’s member with a Challenge Prize. This year the prize (see picture) went to a city of Söderhamn. The city’s deliberate concentration on the needs of the youth along with the development of an anti-drug political programme has drawn national attention to this relatively small town. The many projects which are now running have their ground in a fact that the politicians actively responded to a restlessness noticed among young people and deliberately targeted youth as the primary group for the development of the city.


We are also happy to announce that the updated and refreshed ECAD homesite will be launched in the middle of October. Meanwhile you might experience some difficulties following some links or downloading files from our site. We beg your pardon for any inconvenience that might occur during this transitional period.